all postcodes in SN5 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN5 7AA 1 1 51.558069 -1.810515
SN5 7AE 13 0 51.559691 -1.818644
SN5 7AF 27 0 51.559962 -1.819537
SN5 7AG 39 0 51.558251 -1.817669
SN5 7AH 36 0 51.555986 -1.818413
SN5 7AJ 12 0 51.556698 -1.819218
SN5 7AL 18 0 51.556733 -1.81841
SN5 7AN 16 0 51.557164 -1.818538
SN5 7AP 27 0 51.55766 -1.819012
SN5 7AQ 48 0 51.559009 -1.81931
SN5 7AS 48 0 51.556295 -1.820186
SN5 7AT 14 0 51.556267 -1.819782
SN5 7AW 19 0 51.556723 -1.817992
SN5 7AX 29 0 51.556416 -1.823287
SN5 7AY 15 0 51.556364 -1.824109
SN5 7AZ 21 0 51.556617 -1.825464
SN5 7BA 30 0 51.556207 -1.821932
SN5 7BB 50 0 51.559105 -1.823175
SN5 7BD 1 1 51.558111 -1.825992
SN5 7BG 28 0 51.557326 -1.824149